The BBC documentary titled “Ocean Giants” featuring the mesmeric world of Whales and Dolphins, and the scientist’s effort to shed light on their habits and why they grow so large were filmed around Sri Lanka and according to them 30 Blue Whales were sighted in a single day.

There is a 95% chance of spotting Blue Whales and great chances of Sperm Whales spottingas as their migration path from Africa to Australia is just off Dondra Point. We are able to arrange Whale Watching Trips off Mirissa in a fully insured trawler boat which will last for 3 hours. There is a good chance of spotting Spinner Dolphins off Mirissa.

Popular Whale and Dolphin Watching Destinations In Sri Lanka

whale and dolpin watching in Kalpitiya (From December to April)

Is the best place to see Dolphins and during the season you can witness Dolphin pods up to 1000 to 1500 members at most given times. We can arrange accommodation in a basic holiday cottage or a nice beach villa in Kalpitiya area or get a boat ride organised from Negombo and proceed to Kalpitya by sea.

Whale and Dolphin watching in Mirissa (From November to April)

One of the best places in the world to see one of the only recorded resident blue whale colonies in their natural habitat. Dolphins are regularly spotted on whale watching trips organized from Mirissa and Dondra head on the south coast.

whale and dolpin watching in Trincomalee (From June to September)

Trincomalee, the most popular east coast seaside hamlet in Sri Lanka famous for its powdery sandy beach and turquoise blue shallow waters. During the months from July to September calm seas provide the best opportunities to go to deep waters to see these marine giants, Blue Whales of Sri Lanka.

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